Reference Materials & Memorabilia
Whether you’re adding to your personal library or gift shopping for a classic-car enthusiast, our catalogue of books has you covered. Our collection ranges from technical guides to leisure reading, and covers classic Ford eras from the original Model T to F series trucks and beyond. For shipping information please see our policies.

Mercury Automobiles: 1939-1959 Photo Archive
Price: $28.00
The large, archival photographs in this book illustrate the fascinating early life of the infamous Mercury. Paperback, 128 pages with 122 black and white photos.

Ford Model T: The Car That Put the World on Wheels
Price: $38.00
This book follows the Model T from design considerations to its lasting legacy. It also describes the mechanical, manufacturing, and marketing innovations that the car’s production entailed. Hard cover, with 75 color & 208 Black and white photos.

Sleeping Beauties USA: Abandoned Classic Cars & Trucks
Price: $25.00
This book honors the rusted and forgotten automotive treasures that have been found parked alongside the highways of America, waiting to be discovered again. Hard cover with 96 pages, featuring 62 color photos.

The 1932 Ford Book: A Production Chronicle and Restoration Guide – Volumes 1 and 2
Price: $140.00 (Set)
Compiled by the Early V8 Club of America, these two volumes cover a vast amount of information about the 1932 Model B and Model 18, this is a “must have” for the Ford purist. Spiral bound, Vol. 1 is 350 pages, and Vol. 2 is 264 pages.

The 1933-34 Ford Book: Restoration Manual
Price: $100.00
Compiled by the Early V8 Club of America, this book is full of useful information and tons of pictures, which include factory photos, memorabilia and illustrations. Soft cover with 460 pages.

Ford Postwar Flatheads: 1946-1953 Photo Archive
Price: $28.00
Collection of 120 black and white photos, 128 pages.

Ford Flathead V8: Builder’s Handbook 1932-1953
Price: $25.00
This is a step-by-step manual on how to rebuild your Ford flathead V8. Soft cover with 154 pages. All photos are black and white.

Rust In Peace
Price: $35.00
Author Malcolm Tucker delves into the photographic archives of the celebrated motoring historian Mike Worthington-Williams. This is the first time that a book dedicated to Mike Worthington-Williams’ lifetime passion has been published. Hard cover, 256 pages with 448 color and 60 black and white photos.

The Tractor in the Haystack: Great Stories of Tractor Archaeology
Price: $25.00
For the aficionado of farm equipment, or the scion of an old farming family nostalgic for the old days, or the grown-up boy who still loves a classic piece of old-time machinery, the vintage tractor can be a thrilling find like no other. These are the classic tractors that are often as hard to find as a needle in a haystack—but far more fun to discover, as all of these delightful stories make abundantly clear.

The Cobra in the Barn: Great Stories of Automotive Archaeology
Price: $25.00
You look into an old abandoned barn or garage or warehouse--and there's the car you've searched for your whole life. Here are the true stories of people who found their dream cars in the most unlikely places. Relive the excitement, glory in the astounding discoveries, and revel in the cars that keep dreams alive.

The Hemi in the Barn: More Great Stories of Automotive Archaeology
Price: $25.00
It’s every car lover’s fantasy: the perfectly preserved classic automobile discovered under a blanket in some great-granny’s garage. And as author Tom Cotter has discovered time and again, it’s a fantasy that can come true. The Hemi in the Barn offers more than forty stories of amazing finds and automotive resurrections.

The Corvette in the Barn: More Great Stories of Automotive Archaeology
Price: $25.00
In The Cobra in the Barn, the third in Tom Cotter's automotive barn-find series, the author brings 40 incredible discoveries to light. Turn the pages and enter a place where the old lady next door really does have a split-window 'Vette tucked away in the shed. And, yes, Virginia, it's for sale.

The Vincent in the Barn: Great Stories of Motorcycle Archaeology
Price: $25.00
The Vincent in the Barn offers 40 stories of motorcycle-hunting dreams come true. From Ducatis in basements to Vincents piled in sheds, from Harleys in barns to Brit bikes moldering behind urban garages, these are the stories that fuel every motorcyclist’s moto-fantasies.

Father's Day Best Buy! Automotive Archaeology Five-Pack
Price: $110.00
Purchase five books from the Automotive Archaeology Series: The Hemi in the Barn, The Cobra in the Barn, The Corvette in the Barn, The Vincent in the Barn and The Tractor in the Haystack for a special low price.